FAQ's for Silica gel
What is Silica Gel or Desiccant?
- Desiccant is a drying agent. It induces or sustains a state of dryness (desiccation) in its vicinity. It absorbs and holds humidity to itself.
- Silica gel is a a pure, vitreous, porous form of silicon dioxide made from sodium silicate. It is purified and processed into either granular or beaded form. Its high absorption capacity is attributed to its millions of tiny pores. The mechanism of absorption is purely physical, with no change in size or shape of the particles even as they become saturated. Even when fully saturated, the material still looks and feels dry.
What are uses for silica gel?
- Protects all kinds of material from moisture damage.
Clever Storage
- Foods, Medications, Vitamins, Seeds, Nuts, Beef Jerky, Snacks, Cookies, Spices, & Pet Foods.
Clever Protection
- Safes, Guns, Ammo, Canister, Collectables, Jewelry, Documents, Camera Lens, Clothes, Cosmetics, Books, Travel & Gym Bags, Decorations, & Valuables
Clever Saver
- Wet Cell Phone, Camera, Watches, Electronics, Shoes, & Windshield
Is silica gel safe?
- It is recognized as a GRAS(Generally recognized as safe) by the FDA
- According to Carolinas Poison Center, "silica gel is non-toxic, meaning that it is not poisonous if eaten. The package says "DO NOT EAT" because (1) it is not food, and (2) it could be a choking hazard. The whole packet, granules, or beads may become lodged in the throat of a small child or animal."
- Silica gel beads are usually white, but cobalt chloride is added to serve as an indicator (blue to pink). Cobalt chloride is known as carcinogen. That's why we don't recommend blue indicating beads to be used for food.
What size silica gel packets should I use for my application?
- The information below is general estimate when used in an air-tight sealed container.The amount of silica gel needed will depend on several factors:
1. Chemical properties of the product that will be used:
2. Volume of the container
3. Conditions and physical properties of the container
Container volume – packet size
120 cubic inch - 1 gram
240 cubic inch - 2 gram
360 cubic inch - 3 gram
600 cubic inch - 5 gram
5 Gallon bucket - 10 gram
2 cubic feet - 30 gram
4 cubic feet - 60 gram
8 cubic feet - 120 gram
* We always recommend placing extra packets than recommended to cover the factors mentioned above and for extra protection.
How are silica gel used best?
- Silica gel packets work in air-tight seal container. If they are open to air, they are constantly absorbing moisture in open air and become saturated right away.
Please, keep them tight sealas much as possible.
- Here is how to effectively use Humidity Indicating Card and Silica Gel Packets for your container.
1. Place the humidity indicating card inside your container by itself to measure the initial humidity level (allow around 30 minutes for the card to calibrate and show you the humidity level).
2. Then place packets (number of packets will depend on the size of your container) and close the container.
3. After a day, you will be able to see that packets are working in absorbing moisture as the humidity level will start to decrease.
4. When the humidity level is 30% in the indicating card, it is time to recharge or change the packets.
What is expiration date for silica gel or how long does silica gel last?
- There is no set shelf life for silica gel packets. How long they last will depend on the factors mentioned in answer #4. We were told that our customers used more than 1 year and still working.
What type of packets do you carry?
We have five types of packet (paper, cloth, aiwa, special, and PET (clear for indicating beads).
1. Paper Packets: These are food grade safe packets. You can use them for all uses, including food storage. They contain only white beads, and you can’t see the color change. They work very well and recharge very well. Available sizes: 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 gram.
2. Cloth(Non-woven fabric) Packets:These packets are sturdier than paper packets. They contain only white beads, and you can’t see the color change. They work very well and recharge very well. Available sizes:5,10,20,30,50,100,200,300,400, and 500 gram.
3. Aiwa Packets*: These packets are food grade safe packets. You can use them for all uses, including food storage. These packets are semi-transparent and contain mixture of white and few orange indicating beads for you to know when the beads are saturated. They work very well. Because aiwa paper is a special type of paper, aiwa packets can only be reactivated via oven and not microwave. Available sizes: 1,2,3,5, and 10 gram
4.Special Packets: These packets are improved version of aiwa packets.
Packet material is specially manufactured from Japan. Special packets are food safe and you can use them for non-food uses too. They are semi-transparent and contain mixture of white beads and orange beads. White beads tested the best in performance compared with colored beads. These packets have the benefit of highest performing white beads with few orange beads to serve as indicator. Orange beads will change to dark green when saturated. This Special Packet is the only packet in the silica gel industry that is food safe, indicating, and rechargeable via both oven and microwave. They work very well and recharge very well. Available sizes:20,50,100 and 500 gram.
5. Clear PET Packets: These packets are clear plastic packets and contain either blue or orange indicating beads. These packets are rechargeable.Available sizes:1,5,10, and 20 gram.
Which packets are food grade safe?
- We have four types of food grade safe packets: paper packets, aiwa packets, special packets, and non-woven fabric packets. All packetspassed the US FDA 21 CFR 176.170 compliance test, which means that it is safe to be in direct contact with food. Paper packets are rechargeable via oven and microwave, but you can't visually see the color change when the beads are saturated. Aiwa packets are semi-transparent and contain few orange indicating beads for you to know when the beads are saturated. Aiwa packets has its own method of reactivation.
- We also launched special food safe packets in larger size packets: 20, 50, 100 and 500 gram. Special packets are rechargeable via oven and microwave.
Which packets are indicating packets?
- PET clear packets, aiwa packets, and special packets contain indicating beads and allow you to see change in color when the beads are saturated with moisture. We have two types of PET clear packets: blue to pink and orange to dark green packets. Aiwa and special packets contain mixture of white and few orange indicating beads. With paper and cloth packets, you cannot see the color change. They only contain white beads.
How do you reactivate/recharge silica gel packets and beads?
- The reactivation instruction is for paper, cloth/fabric, special, and PET (clear plastic) packets.
- You can use either oven or microwave for reactivation.
1. Oven: Bake packets or beads for 0.5 - 2 hours at 200 - 250F.
2. Microwave: DEFROST packets or beads for 7-12 minutes.
* Start with the least amount of time and increase the time if color is not fully returned to the original state..
* Reactivation time varies depending on the saturation level of beads, and types of microwave.
* Many microwaves do not let you choose time for Defrost mode. Instead, they want you to enter the weight and the microwaves automatically calculate the time for you based on the weight. You can enter several weights and choose the weight that gives you the closest time to 7 minutes.
* PET (clear plastic) packets may melt in high power oven or microwave
* Spread beads evenly in thin layer for best result.
* Aiwa packets have its own method of reactivation.
How do you read humidity indicator card?
- Humidity indicator cards are sensitive to temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and wind. Therefore, they do not work well in open air. They work well and display accurate relative humidity level in enclosed space.
- When you initially open the card, all dots sometimes react and change color because they are exposed to sudden humidity. If you wait for about 30 minutes, the card will calibrate and you will be able to read the humidity level. Always read at lavender between blue and pink for humidity level. If 10% dot is pink and 30% dot is blue, and 20% dot is lavender, then the relative humidity level is about 20%. If the 30% dot is pink, it is time to change the desiccant. The humidity card itself is reusable. When the humidity level is low, the dots will change from pink to blue again. With long use, the color of the dots may faint. Then, you can replace the card.
How do you read cobalt free humidity indicator card?
- When you initially open the card, all dots sometimes react and change color because they are exposed to sudden humidity. If you wait for about 30 minutes, the card will calibrate and you will be able to read the humidity level. Always read at gray between purple and green. If 10% dot is Purple and 30% dot is Green, and 20% dot is Gray, then the relative humidity level is about 20%. If the 30% dot is Purple, it is time to change the desiccant. The humidity card itself is reusable. When the humidity level is low, the dots will change from Purple to Green again. With long use, the color of the dots may faint. Then, you can replace the card.
How long does humidity indicator card last?
- Humidity indicator cards are sensitive to temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, & wind. These factors affect how long they last. The color of the dots fade away with time. If they are very light and unable to read, it's time to replace the card.
What is the difference between silica gel packets and hanging moisture absorber?
- Silica gel beads are for an air-tight sealed environment. They continue to absorb moisture until they become fully saturated. They can bring the humidity level down to <10%.
- Hanging moisture absorber contains mineral salt named calcium chloride. These are ideal for small enclosed space like garage, basement, attic, closet, and etc..
Calcium chloride crystals absorb excess moisture in the air. They do not dry air extremely to the point to cause damage to plants, furniture, or any household items. They will slow down when the humidity level is not high and will restart again when necessary. This is cost efficient, because the product will work when it's needed and not when it does not have to.
However, calcium chloride is not reusable.